🍠Design Tips
A collection of design tips that I've learned over the years
- Be kind
- Take a 1-hour walk every day
- Keep learning, even when you think you’re an expert
- Invest in a quality mouse
- Take care of your mind
- Stay hungry, stay foolish
- Invest in a quality chair
- Don’t skip meals
- Use a wrist rest
- Keep a water bottle at your desk
- Experiment and have fun
- Take frequent stretch breaks
- Recreate a design
- Your worth is more than you think
- Practice empathy
- Make time for hobbies outside of design
- Don’t overuse colors
- Maintain good posture
- Don’t be afraid to iterate
- Always carry a pocket notebook & pen
- Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Just do the best you can (for you, your team, your people)
- Don’t compare yourself to others
- Spend a little time each day to learn something new
- Ask more questions
- Experiment and iterate
- Get comfortable with rejections
- Take care of your eyes
- Learn from others
- Get enough sleep
- Don’t overuse animations
- Go outside
- Embrace white space
- Stay curious
- Take weekends off
- Stay hydrated
- Don’t mess with sleep
- Take breaks often
- Don’t multitask
- Don’t wait for inspiration, just get up and do something
- Set yourself challenges
- Take a short nap
- Focus on one thing at a time
- Learn to code
- Be humble
- Always make sure to test your work in different browsers & devices
- Never stop learning
- The simplest solution is usually the best one
- Work on something you’re passionate about
- Always push yourself out of your comfort zone. Do something you wouldn’t normally do, experiment & try new things
- When working on UI, it’s best to avoid font weights below 400
- Help other designers